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Materials We
        Work With

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  1. Fiberglass Batt/Roll Insulation

  2. Fiberglass Blown-in insulation​

  3. Cellulose Blown-in Insulation

  4. Rigid Foam Insulation

  5. Vapor Barrier 10,15,20 Mil

  6. Attic Fan

  7. Attic Radiant Barrier

  8. Bathroom Fan

  9. Sump Pump


  1. Flexible Air Ducts

  2. Semi-Rigid Air Ducts

  3. Metal Ducts

  4. Air Duct Foil Wrap Insulation

  1. Rat and Mouse Snap Traps
  2. Glue Traps 
  3. Live Traps (cages)
  4. Bait Stations


Fiberglass Batt/Roll Insulation
is a vital thermal insulation material for building construction. It consists of glass fiber panels or rolls, compressed into uniform layers. Produced by melting glass at high temperatures and stretching it into fine strands that create a structure with trapped air cells, it excels at retaining heat. Used in walls, ceilings, and floors, it reduces heat transfer in all climates, offering winter heat retention and summer heat prevention. Beyond thermal control, it effectively reduces noise transmission between spaces. It's an affordable and widely available construction material, popular for enhancing energy efficiency and indoor comfort.

Vapor Barrier 10, 15, 20 Mil
It's a construction material designed to control moisture transfer within buildings. It's typically made of high-density polyethylene sheets and is installed on walls, ceilings, or floors to prevent condensation and moisture buildup. This protective layer, available in different thicknesses (10, 15, 20 mil), reduces both exterior moisture infiltration and internal moisture penetration, tailored to project needs and local climate. These options effectively manage humidity, enhancing structure durability and indoor air quality.

Crawl space fully encapsulated with thermoregulatory blankets and dimple board. Radon miti
closeup view from inside the galvanized steel air duct on the exhaust fan in the backgroun


Air Duct Foil Wrap Insulation
Is a specialized insulation product designed for wrapping HVAC air ducts. Constructed from materials like polyethylene foam or fiberglass encased in an aluminum foil layer, it acts as a thermal barrier that maintains air temperature within the ducts. By reflecting heat and preventing energy loss through air leaks and condensation, this insulation enhances the energy efficiency of HVAC systems. Its primary function is to regulate air temperatures, minimizing heat or cold loss and guarding against humidity, thereby optimizing system performance and ensuring comfortable indoor temperatures.


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Rat & Mouse Snap Traps
These are devices designed to trap and control rodent populations in various settings. These traps consist of a sensitive spring mechanism that closes swiftly when a rodent interacts with the bait, effectively capturing and eliminating rodents. Widely used in pest control strategies, these traps offer a practical, economical, and popular solution due to their ease of use and effectiveness in eradicating these pests.

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